But my hair, jawline, neck, and ears were kept almost intact -other than the overall smudge(?) effect- to the extent that one of my close friends immediately recognized me the moment she saw it. I can't be recognized by association, so I'm able to put it out there with ease of mind. The photo was heavily manipulated, and my face was replaced with a human skull, to either make me look like a monster or to make sure that I wouldn't be able to sue him for it. She sent me a screenshot of it, and I realized that it was a photo of me taken by my ex a few months prior to our break-up. PART 1: So, one of my friends informed me a few days ago that my ex-bf (significantly younger, lives abroad) pushed a poetry book online (visibly under the gay poetry category), and that the guy on the cover looked 'an awful lot like' me.